Job Clubs

Tackling unemployment is one of my main priorities. That is why I was so determined to see the establishment of Job Clubs in my constituency. Stafford Works, of which I am a trustee, set its first one up in September 2010.

The Jobs Club takes place every Tuesday between 10am -11.45am at Room E216 A, Stafford College, Earl Street, Stafford ST16 2QR.

Stafford Works’ team of volunteers are always on hand, ready to help people with their hunt for work, friendly advice is on offer for people who need help with their CV, whilst we have good tips on how to succeed when it comes to those dreaded interviews.

No appointment is necessary and everyone is welcome, feel free to drop in at anytime.

Stafford Works held its first Job Club in September 2010; they have since gone onto hold in excess of 200. We have over 100 people, 60% of who are now either back in work full time or part time

Other Job Clubs are now being setup by other organisations and charities, something we are delighted to see.

“A job club is a great way of nurturing self-esteem and hope, which was essential for helping me find work”. A quote from Jane one of our successful Job Club attendees who was able find work.

If you would like further details about this job club or any other job clubs in the Stafford area and what they can do for you, please contact Janet Owers on or 07956 683187.